A huge week ahead at NFG as we become the first ever 24/7 gym in HD7.
We have two main outcomes to deliver.
1) To ensure the health & safety of all members 2) To increase access to current members to maintain high retention figures.
Going 24/7 is NOT driven by recruitment - we are very happy with the current environment inside our community gym. NFGs reputation is built on the atmosphere created by the outstanding members who frequent it - hence why we have an 'opt in' system when it comes to 24/7 access and not one that becomes automatic upon sign up - its simple, if you don't request 24/7 access it doesn't happen - this alongside our brand new pin code software allows us to track exactly who is in the facility at any given time.
The focus on health & safety has meant we pushed back our planned date by a full month to ensure quality. In that time we've installed an intercom system with several access buttons meaning members are never more than 15 metres away from a conversation with our 24/7 monitoring partners Secure24, an electronic keypad on the main out of hours door to ensure authorised access only, we boast sixteen cctv cameras enabling us to track every journey from the front door into all gym rooms. Fire exits are covered & next week we finalise the installation of a remote announcement system giving us the ability to send live messages to anyone inside the facility using the existing music speakers!
Our processes will continue to evolve as we work alongside safety professionals, in the meantime we ask you to train hard, be polite to fellow members & respect the facility at all times.
