Today we made our biggest ever commitment to our members by putting down a deposit on a facility in North Wales.
The facility will serve three main purposes:
1) To enable our members & their family to take a break, make some memories & enjoy this time without the increased prices during school hols - GUARANTEED
2) To become a residential 'base' for individuals or small groups who wish to take their fitness to whole new level accompanied by a qualified PT.
3) To look after those members who may be struggling - for whatever reason - and need a place to go, relax, de-stress then return mentally stronger than ever before.
The facility is positioned 5 minutes from the seafront & just 1 hour from the base of Snowdonia. It is fully equipped with a gym, cafe & is 100% family friendly with 3 beds it sleeps 8.
We look forward to seeing this venture grow & the positive impact it will have for years to come.